compilation of photos to celebrate 20 years
Banner showing Image from The Watson's Go To Birmingham. Caption states Creating The Next Great American Play.
collage of past productions
2nd in a series of collages celebrating 20 years
Spaceship from We Want The Funk
Banner with photo of Missy in What Martha Did
Daffy Cafe

Celebrating 20 years!

A Letter from our Artistic Director...

Welcome to LAUNCH PAD! 

LAUNCH PAD began in 2005 and we are proud to have supported so many talented playwrights and plays on their journey from incubation to professional world premiere.

Our 20th season opened with the Preview Production of "Strange Birds" by E. M. Lewis, award-winning playwright, lyricist, book writer, and opera librettist. Set in a small, rustic cabin in the woods, "Strange Birds" is about women and wolves... and sisters... and secrets, looking into what we owe to the systems that oppress us and how we escape from something we carry inside us. 

The concept of a "Preview Production” is unique in the American theater: a fully realized and professionally designed and directed production that stays in previews throughout the run of the show allowing the writer to revise their work through the final performance. Bringing together talented students, faculty artists, and professional guest artists to work on these dynamic new plays is the hallmark of our program.

2025 continues in April with our 4th AMPLIFY Reading Series Festival, bringing together an exciting slate of diverse playwrights, directors, dramaturgs, and actors to showcase their new works.

If you have any questions about LAUNCH PAD, please reach out to us at

All my best,



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Strange Birds
by E. M. Lewis

in previews February 20 - March 1


Strange Birds Company Photo by Jeff Liang
Strange Birds Company
photo: Jeff Liang

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Upcoming Events...

April 2025

AMPLIFY Reading Series Festival

public readings: April 25/26

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June/July 2025

Summer Reading Series

public readings: June 26, July 3, July 10

Check back for updates!

In The News...

Indigo Runge receives the first Shirley Jo Finney Excellence Award

Shirley Jo Finney and Taylor Kirk rehearsal

Our dear friend and colleague, Shirley Jo Finney, passed away on October 10, 2023. Shirley Jo was a bright light in our lives. She first came to direct for the Theater/Dance Department in 2014. Over the next 8 years, she returned several times to teach and direct, most recently Candrice Jones' "A Medusa Thread." You can read more about her incredible career here. Shirley Jo was a wonderful teacher and gifted director. She brought out the best in absolutely everyone she came in contact with. Those who had the honor of knowing Shirley Jo miss her dearly. Her legacy lives on through the "Shirley Jo Finney Excellence Award" which honors a deserving acting or directing student who exemplifies Shirley Jo's joyous spirit, generostiy, and talent. 

Indigo Runge on stage

Inaugural recipient, Indigo Runge, is an upcoming fourth year in the BFA Acting program. In addition to acting, she has aspirations of using her acting training to be a director and/or casting director. Indi has many acting credits at UC Santa Barbara and has taken a keen interest in all aspects of theatre. We congratulate Indi on this award and look forward to seeing her continue to shine in her final year with us. 




Shirley Jo Finney in rehearsal for A Medusa Thread by Candrice Jones. With Imani Alis.
Indigo Runge in rehearsal. (photo credits: Jeff Liang)


Alone, Together flyer

Dramatic Publishing: publisher
and exclusive licensing of
LAUNCH PAD’s Alone, Together Festival
of short plays and monologues!

If you are interested in licensing the Alone, Together compilation,
please contact or visit their website.


For updates on the LAUNCH PAD Program like us on Facebook!

Take a moment to flip through the LAUNCH PAD brochure!

photo of the LAUNCH PAD brochure