2025 Summer Series

collage of photos from reading series past

Three Weeks : Three Playwrights : Three Plays

The LAUNCH PAD Summer Reading Series invites professional playwrights to join the UC Santa Barbara community as artists-in-residence as the main component of a summer course (THTR 146). The collaboration between LAUNCH PAD Artistic Director Risa Brainin, a team of undergraduate students, and the playwrights provides the experiential ground for professionals and students alike to participate in the creative process as it's happening. In addition to acting, students explore stage management and dramaturgy as well as lighting, costume, sound, and scenic design, offering ideas to the playwright as the script evolves. The week-long collaboration culminates in a public reading. Students learn the vital and specialized skills of working on plays in the earliest of stages of their development and as staged readings.



Save the dates for this year's summer readings!
Free and open to the public.

Thursday, June 26
Thursday, July 3
Thursday, July 10

UCSB Studio Theater


Details about our plays and playwrights to come!